Thursday, August 2, 2007


So, this is the blog and this is my first serious entry to it...

4 sleeps and counting. It's pretty damn exciting. With the party coming tonight I'm pretty sure nobody is reading this when it's relevant, but I don't give much of a damn and it will be interesting to see how many people I've given web addresses to will actually visit!

As you can see I have a space for v-blogs up there. It takes up a lot of space which can be annoying when you're trying to have just one entry on a page, but I can't figure out how to just have it on the main page and no others... The advantage of them being hosted on Youtube means that you don't have to wait for the whole thing to download to see the rest of the page though, so that's OK.

You might have also noticed that it's not much of a video blog... Considering there's not much of a Reni in the USA at the moment, you'll have to wait until I get there to see my beautiful speaking face on the internet. I'm sure you'll be sitting on the edges of your seats waiting for that to come up. Meanwhile enjoy this awesome video that I found.

In the meantime, I have an entry on reloading my cash passport for you all, in case you want to order souvenirs (which can be done by commenting on the entry! You can comment by clicking links underneath entries which say "0 comments") ... Or of course you might be the generous type and might like to leave a tiny donation for me or maybe for the even more generous Kristy who is putting me up for 3 months!

Last of all is a shoutout to all you people using Internet Explorer instead of Firefox... Seriously, get Firefox. The blog looks much prettier when the colours are right.

Re-loading the Cash Passport (ordering souveneirs!)

For you family and friends who would like souveniers bought for you while I'm in the USA, I'm pretty happy to just go out and get whatever you want. However, I am on a rather tight budget, and while it's not required, I would appreciate it if you paid for all or some of it!

My money is being kept on a small card called a Cash Passport, which works a lot like a debit card- I can't spend anymore money than the money I have on there. While I'm not entirely sure at the moment how re loading works, from my understanding you can do it one of two ways:

1. Go into your nearest Australia post, give them my card number, the money you wish to put on the card and tell them you would like it to be in USD.

2. Use Bpay (Biller codeL50179, CRN is my 16 digit card number). I have no idea what Bpay is or how it works, so I'd only advise this one if you do.

I have been supplied with 2 cards, with one as a backup. If you are going to load my card, please make sure you have the right number! When you ask for a souvenir I will email you back with my card number, and you can load some money on if you choose to.

The money you load on will convert to USD at the rate they are at during that particular time. They will stay at this rate. To see the current exchange rate, use this website which updates regularly: ...As well as the table, it has a converter for any amount you input underneath.

I will be able to use the money you load on the card within 2 banking hours.


This is a default post to take up space and such. Please ignore it :)